Letter From Alternative Tan Salon & Spa Sorry we are late getting out the newsletter. We have been very busy the past couple weeks. As many of you are aware, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is kicking off in October. We did this campaign back in May and had a great start. What you may not have known was during that month our cousin, Tammy, passed away because of breast cancer. She left behind 2 children, hus-band, mother, father, aunts, uncles, and lots and lots of cousins and friends. She was one of the most inspiring persons I have ever known. No matter what she was going through she was concern about others and always shared her bright smile. We have hope to see her again soon!
This upcoming October we really want to shed some light on breast cancer, but we can’t do it alone. If you helped back in May we want to thank you so much for your support and we are calling on your help again as well as all of our community.
How can you help?
1.)Question what you know about breast cancer. Visit
www.sunarc.org www.uvfoundation.org www.Grass-RootsHealth.org and
www.d-featbreastcancer.com www.sunshinevitamin.org www.vitamindcouncil.org www.vitamindsociety.org
2. Help support much needed research and awareness. We will be raising money and awareness, but we need your help. Money is needed as well as awareness.
3. Keep a check on you and your family.
We are still planning for our October D-Feat Breast Cancer event but, some of the things we are doing:
1. Donate in exchange for raffle ticket(s) to win. One winner will have choice of a VIP unlimited month tanning pass, sunless organic spray tan, or unlimited month of Red Light Therapy. Runner-up will have choice of a hair-cut, Flamingo Lounge Budget Membership, or a 20 minute wa-ter massage. 3rd winner will win Choice of single UV tanning session, Red Light Therapy Session, or a 10 minute water massage.
2. Donating $1 for every UV and UV free tanning package purchased.
3. For every lotion bottle pur-chased we will donate $1.
4. We will have breast cancer awareness merchandise and pledges for sale. 100% of MONEY WILL DONATED.
5. Complimentary Breast Cancer Awareness tanning sticker with each visit.
We have some other ideas in the works and as soon as we know more we will let you know. If you have a great idea we would love to hear it. We could use some volunteers to help get the word out as well. Remember the life you may save may be yours, your child, your mother, your aunt, your cousin, your friend, your neighbor….someone you love! Don’t be a silent by stander. We are dedicated to this cause, but we cannot do it alone.
Select sample
lotion OR 5 minute water massage free with any
tanning package.
Upgrade to a VIP pass and get a
10 minute massage. *Expires 09/30/2011. Not to be combined with any other offer, cou-pon, or discount.
50% Off Red Light Therapy Unlimited Month.
Add to ANY tanning package for $19.99. *Expires 09/30/2011. Not to be com-bined with any other offer, coupon, or discount.
Organic Spray Tan
$10.00 OFF
5 Session
Package $25 OFF *Expires 09/30/2011. Not to be combined with any other offer, coupon, or discount.
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